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Global Marketing Solutions,

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Promoting your business is the key to its successful &development. You may have the best product or service possible, but if people don’t know it or aren’t convinced of its value in that time it is worthless.
Using this table list the core marketing and communications message to each target customers.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The act of
evaluating and
comparing the
identified groups
and then selecting
one or more of
them as the

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Requirements for Effective Segmentation

That based on Size power & Size, purchasing power, characteristics of the
segments can be measured
That based on Segments are large & profitable enough to serve
3_ Accessible
That based on Segments can be effectively reached & served
4- Differentiable
That based on Distinguishable & respond differently to different Marketing mix elements & programs

That based on Programs can be formulated for serving the segments
To sum up : "Marketers don’t create a segment; they identify segments and then focus on which one to target"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stage V Select Specific Market Segments

Finally, you take all this information, and identify
specific target markets.
ie. University students who have part-time jobs,
and do not have credit cards