Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The act of
evaluating and
comparing the
identified groups
and then selecting
one or more of
them as the
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Requirements for Effective Segmentation
That based on Size power & Size, purchasing power, characteristics of the
segments can be measured
That based on Segments are large & profitable enough to serve
3_ Accessible
That based on Segments can be effectively reached & served
4- Differentiable
That based on Distinguishable & respond differently to different Marketing mix elements & programs
That based on Programs can be formulated for serving the segments
To sum up : "Marketers don’t create a segment; they identify segments and then focus on which one to target"
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Stage V Select Specific Market Segments
specific target markets.
ie. University students who have part-time jobs,
and do not have credit cards
Stage V Select Specific Market Segments
specific target markets.
ie. University students who have part-time jobs,
and do not have credit cards
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Stage IV Forecast Probably Market Share
Once the market potential has been estimated, you
have to determine how much of that market you can
obtain (what “market share” can you capture.
Then you develop specific marketing strategy for the
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Stage III Forecast Market Potentials
You create a “Forecast” of the market potential within
each segment.
This is the “go, no-go” stage. When you are at this
stage you gather the information on sales potential
to determine whether you can go further ahead and
justify further analysis. And we must say that
Forecast - “what if” - an expectation of future
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Stage II Develop Relevant Profiles for each Segment
Once the segments have been identified you should develop a profile of the relevant customer
needs and behaviors in each segment. You must answers some question such as :
What does your customer look like (profile)!!?
What do they like!!?
What do they do!!?
- You need this description to be very precise in
order to make your marketing “match” the needs
of the customer
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bases of Segmenting
These segmentation variables can be used singly or in combination
Calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as states, regions, countries and Neighborhood
• Region
•City or Metro size
• Density
• Climate
• Age
• Family Size
• Family lifecycle
• Gender
• Income
• Education
• Occupation
• Religion
• Race
• Generation
• Social Class
• Nationality
• Lifestyle
• Personality
• Occasions
• Benefits (Unique
Selling proposition) Crest
• User status
• Usage Rate
• Loyalty Status: high-core
loyals –Split loyals
– Shifting loyals -
Switchers Buyer-readiness stage
• Attitude toward product
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Stage I: Identify Market Segmentation Bases
This process starts when a company looks at the
Potential customers and identifies those
customers as having particular characteristics -
these characteristics will allow the marketing
Company to classify them into market segments.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Segmentation of Demand
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
STEP FOUR:Analyze the information
After collecting the data the researcher will tabulate the data & apply
Statistical methods & techniques
Present the findings
The researcher should not overwhelm management with figures & statistical
Techniques but rather should present major findings that are relevant to the
Major marketing decisions facing management
Sunday, March 7, 2010
STEP THREE: Collect the information
The third step in Marketing Research Process
Collect the information
The most expensive & the most prone to error:
- Some respondents will refuse to co-operate
- Some respondents will give biased answers
- Some interviewers will be biased & dishonest
contact Methods
How the Subject should be contacted, The choices are:
1- Mail Questionnaire: it is the Best way to reach people who would not give personal interviews or could be biased or distorted
By interviews
Telephone Interviewing:
It Is the Best method for gathering information quickly, but it has to be short & not too personal
Personal Interviewing:
Most expensive – additional observations – it is
Subject to interviewers bias or distortion
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Sampling Plan
This plan calls for three decisions:
Sampling Unit “Who is to be surveyed “
Defining the Target population that will be sampled, where the sampling frame
Must be developed so that everyone in the population has an equal chance of
Being sampled
Sample Size how many people should be surveyed?
Larger samples are more reliable, however samples less than 1% of the
Population can give good reliability
Sampling Procedure
How should the respondents be chosen?
Research Instruments
1-Questionnaires: Consists of a set of questions presented to respondents for
Their answers, it the most common instrument used for
Collecting primary data for its flexibility
But for successful Questionnaires It Should be:
1- Carefully developed & debugged before administrated on a large scale
2- Carefully choosing questions wording & sequence
3 - Avoid repeated & boring questions - Choose simple and direct unbiased questions
4- Logical Order
Carefully choosing questions’ form
-Close-end questions: Have specific answers. (e।g।: Answered by Yes/No)
Open-end questions: Free to express thoughts. (How Interviewee thinks & Feel ,……etc
Friday, March 5, 2010
Develop the Research Plan
Designing the Research plan calls for
Cost of the research plan before approving it
Designing the Research plan calls for decisions on:
1-data source
2-research Approaches
3-research Instruments
4-sampling plan
5- Contact method
Data Sources
The research plan can call for gathering primary data or secondary data or both
Primary Data: Data gathered for a specific purpose or a specific research project
Secondary Data: Data collected for another purpose & already exist somewhere
Sources of Secondary Data
- Internal Sources
- Government Publications
- Periodicals & Books
- Commercial Data
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Research Process
There are many steps but shortly ill talk about it
�� Step 1: Define the Problem, the
Decision Alternatives and the Research
�� Step 2: Develop the
Research Plan
�� Data Sources (primary, secondary)
�� Research Approaches
�� Observational research
�� Focus group research
�� Survey research
�� Experimental research; Behavioral data
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Marketing Myopia
Four self‐deceiving conditions causing firms to
believe that they are in a growth industry:
1. Expanding and more affluent population
2. No competitive substitutes
3. Mass production and declining unit costs
4. Preoccupation with the product
for example
When Henry Ford first created the Model T, he was the only
one mass producing cars. He didn’t have to think about
“The Marketing Concept.” But, as more and more
producers started making cars, they had to think about what
customers need and want in order to stay in business.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Marketing Core Concepts
Deprivation; Do marketers “create needs”??
�� Want: a specific object that can satisfy a need
�� Demands: wants for specific products backed by
an ability to pay
Marketing Planning 24
Monday, March 1, 2010
Marketing & Market Research
Market research on the eye of its leaders
“Marketing is becoming a battle based more on
Information than on sales power” (Kotler)
"Great wisdom not applied to action and behavior is
Meaningless data“ (Peter Drucker)
Research Defined
Systematic design, collection,
analysis, and reporting of data
and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing a company
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Business Orientations to the Marketplace
Firstly we must know the the difference between:
Production concept: assumes consumers favor
those products that are widely available and
affordable. (Focus: wide distribution; high
2. Product concept: assumes consumers will favor
those products that offer the most quality,
performance, and features.
3.Selling concept: assumes that consumers will
either not buy or not but enough of the
organizations’ products unless the organization
makes a substantial effort to stimulate the
customer’s interest in the product. (Focus:
needs of the seller)
4.Marketing concept: holds that the key to
achieving organizational goals consists in
determining the needs and wants of target
markets and delivering the desired satisfactions
more effectively and efficiently than
competitors. (Focus: different needs of buyers)
5. Societal marketing concept: [adds to the
marketing concept the words] … for the
objective of preserving and enhancing the
consumer’s and society’s well being. (Focus:
needs of buyers and society)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Business Practices Changed
this compare between old economy new economy
old economy :
1 Organize by product units.
2 Focus on profitable transactions.
3 Look primarily at financial scorecard
4 Focus on shareholders
5 Marketing does the marketing
6 Build brands through advertising.
7 Focus on customer acquisition
8 No customer satisfaction measurement
New economy:
1 Organize by customer segments.
2 Focus on customer lifetime value
3 Look also at marketing scorecard g
4 Focus on stakeholders
5 Everyone does the marketing
6 Build brands through behavior
7 Focus on customer retention and growth
8 Measure customer satisfaction and
9 retention rate
10 Under‐promise, over‐deliver
Thursday, February 25, 2010
What is Marketing
The development of definitions of marketing
MARKETING is the performance of business activities
that direct the flow of goods and services from
producers to consumers. (The 1935 Definition)
MARKETING is the process of planning and executing
the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of
ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that
satisfy individual and organization objectives. (The 1985 Definition)
MARKETING is an organizational function and a set of
processes for creating, communicating and delivering
value to customers and for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefit the organization and
its stakeholders.
(The 2000 Definition)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Marketing on the eye of its leaders
The future is not ahead of us. It has already
Happened. Unfortunately, it is unequally
Distributed among companies, industries &
Peter Drucker:
The business enterprise only
has two basic functions:
marketing & innovation.
What marketing represent to Kotler
Human activity directed as satisfying needs and
wants through exchange processes.
�� For this exchange occur, there must be:
1 Two parties
2 Each with something of value to the other
3 Capable of communication and delivery
4 Free to accept/reject the offer
5 Agreement to terms
What is marketing? Is marketing selling?
Of course not but why? The actually said that
Selling is only the tip of the
“There will always be need for
some selling. But the aim of marketing is to
make selling nonessential. The aim of
marketing is to know and understand the
customer so well & the product or service that
fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing
should result in a customer who is ready to
buy. All that should be needed is to make
the product or service available.”
Peter Drucker said
But finally thanks to Mr. Ramy Khodeir and his teamthey help me to prepare this study